Friday, January 20, 2006

The Most Powerful Word In English Language


I bet you're very curious right now :)

That's good. It means you'll remember the things on this blog better. I recommend you bookmark it as there's some more great online marketing content coming your way soon...

OK, now to...
>> The most powerful word in English language... <<
It's a very simple word. You've heard it many, many times before and probably often stopped with everything just to see what followed it...

It is used by marketers to get your attention AND response all the time. You want to know it? OK, read on...

Before I tell you the actual word, I'd like you to go check out this incredible course on internet marketing. Just follow the link now (it will open in a new window):

...Read the web site? Great, huh. And it's all 100% true. I've verified it myself. Have it on my palm and listen to the interviews almost every day. And with every listening session I learn something new. This was also true with this word I'm about to share with you in a minute. Keep reading...

There's another lesson here fore you. Notice what state you're in right now... How do you feel? Are you eager to learn what the word is? I'm gonna tell you in about 30 seconds, but before that really notice your state of consciousness right now. Your mind is more opened now than it was before you started reading this post. You're curious and that, my friend, is what all great marketers go for with their readers...

It's a powerful lesson and you'll get many more on this blog, so -- visit here often!

Now for the word: "Free". That's right, the word free makes people STOP in their tracks and read or listen to whatever you have to say. Obviously you can't use it if what you're advertising as free isn't really free, but why not create an "introduction" product that is free? And then giving it to people.

Many industries use it: you can get free samples everywhere. And when was the last time you refused to take a free cream or perfume sample? Exactly. It's the same on the Internet. You get free (evaluation) software all the time.

Another great marketing implication would be to offer free bonuses if people buy your product. You must have seen that over and over again. And you know why? Because it works. When you use the word free on your site, sales go up! Tested and proven over time.

I've got three books on creating wealth on my desk now. And two have a "free bonus" inside. In fact I've purchased one of them much faster and with much greater enthusiasm when I saw I'll get $397 worth of free audio and software with it. It simply made my purchase a "no brainer".

Next time you see an advertisment that offers something for free -- remember this post and notice how it really worked on you!

The only down side to this word is that it's become much overused for crapy products and is slowly loosing it's power. But fortunately if someone is really interested in what you're selling, he or she will go for your "evaluation" product rather than buying it from someone else.

At the end I'd like to say that there are actually more powerful words out there, closely following the one discussed here. I go into greater detail for those words in my newsletter. Simply using those words and phrases will sudenly increase your sales, subscriptions and authority. I invite you to sign up and start getting the information you want and deserve. Soon I'll be launching a massive ebook on internet marketing and when I do, I'll delete those sequences from my newsletter as I will be charging people for that exact same information.

So sign up now and be one of the lucky few that gets this info for free!


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